About the Alabama Humanities Alliance

What can the humanities do for Alabama? They can make our state a smarter, kinder, more vibrant place to live. Read on to learn how.

Our 2024 Year in Review

Our Mission

We connect Alabamians: to tell stories and to listen, to share ideas and to learn, to link the past to the present, and to seek a deeper understanding of our humanity.

Our vision: We see a future for a better Alabama by nurturing the best in us as people. Our work is a public service that promotes lifelong learning, strong communities, a healthy democracy, and prosperity for all Alabamians.

Who We Are

Founded in 1974, the nonprofit and nonpartisan Alabama Humanities Alliance serves as a state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Through our grantmaking and public programming, we promote lifelong learning and impactful storytelling that lifts up our state. We believe the humanities can bring our communities together and help us all see each other as fully human.

What We Do

We tailor our programs and funding to address the specific needs of communities across the state. AHA offers programs that:


We don’t do this alone. Far from it. That’s why we shine a spotlight on others who use the humanities to elevate Alabama. We honor new Alabama Humanities Fellows each year. And we recognize teachers who go above and beyond.

Plus, through our ongoing grantmaking, we help community cornerstones, cultural nonprofits, and other groups create humanities projects accessible to all Alabamians — from literary festivals and documentary films to museum exhibitions, public lectures, oral history projects, and much more.


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