Mosaic 2024: AHA's 50th Anniversary Issue

As we celebrate a half-century of sharing Alabama’s stories, we’re using this issue of Mosaic to look back and look forward. Because there are always more stories to come.

Mosaic 2024: AHA at 50
Features from Mosaic’s 2024 issue: 

Opening column: From the executive director
Chuck Holmes offers context for this year’s issue: “Looking back is important. More relevant is imagining the next fifty years. You’ll find that in these pages, too.”


Looking back: AHA at 50
In which we take you back to 1974 and a brand-new public experiment in the humanities — the origin story of the Alabama Humanities Alliance.


Alabama voices, American stories 
Author Roy Hoffman on the power of sharing our stories.


Something to say: AHA’s 2024 Alabama Humanities Fellows
Profiles of our newest Alabama Humanities Fellows: Brittany Howard, Jason Isbell, Rick Bragg, and Roy Wood Jr.


Humanities in ‘Everyday Use’  
Zanice Bond on the power of being willing to learn from, and grow with, each other.


Etched into our being
Geneticist Richard Myers explores what we can learn about ourselves when we study the very elements that make us human.


A healing at the Forks
Descendants of an iconic Florence plantation explore a painful past to bring hope to the present.


2023 Grants Roundup
In 2023, the Alabama Humanities Alliance awarded 55 grants totaling more than $342,000 to support public humanities programs across the state.


Once the world was perfect
A closing poem by Joy Harjo, writer and poet of the Mvskoke (Creek) Nation; former U.S. poet laureate and winner of the Harper Lee Award for Alabama’s Distinguished Writer.

The Playlist: Music from Rural Alabama

For AHA'S 50th anniversary, we've compiled some favorites from 1974 -- songs about Alabama, recorded in Alabama, or by Alabama artists. Plus, songs from our ‘24 Alabama Humanities Fellows: Brittany Howard and Jason Isbell.

Turn up the sound!

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