Rock in a Weary Land: The Black Church in 19th-Century Alabama

- Bailey, Richard
During days of slavery and freedom, the black church was the most significant institution in the black community. In the midst of slavery, blacks were allowed to worship in segregated galleries of white churches or to hold separate worship under white supervision. Still, the antebellum church played a crucial role in black life. The black minister was the center point of the black church. His myriad roles included teacher, lawgiver, counselor, psychologist and whatever else were needed in the black community. Thus, he was the most highly regarded personality in the black community. In essence, persons and institutions of affluence in 19th-century Alabama owed a huge debt of gratitude of the influence of the black church. The presentation showcases the wide influence of the 19th-century black church in Alabama. Attendees will receive a bibliography, a list of church-related schools, a list showing denominational history, and photos of several historic black churches. To its credit, the black church also participated in politics and educational concerns. Indeed, it played a crucial role in the establishment of the Alabama Republican party and the establishment of black schools, with some of these schools later bearing the names of colleges or universities.

Microphone needed; slide projector needed; large screen and digital projector needed