AHA Grantee Spotlight: American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese
The AATSP is offering Alabama’s world language educators the very first workshop on the Alabama Seal of Biliteracy since it was signed into law in April 2022. This day of professional development includes nationally recognized experts on the Seal of Biliteracy and local educators. Come learn about this opportunity for your students, how to implement the Alabama Seal of Biliteracy, and how teaching for proficiency relates to traditional humanities content and practices in the language classroom.
Where: Birmingham-Southern College
When: Saturday, September 10, 2022
Cost: $10 (includes breakfast, lunch, parking, and workshop resources
NOTE: This workshop provides up to six hours of CEU credits.
The primary audience is Alabama’s K-12 world/foreign/second language teachers and dual language instructors. Although, our main audience is K-12 language teachers, administrators, and language educators in higher education are welcome to participate. Teachers of ALL world languages are welcome from public or private settings.