Newsroom Category: History

Transformative power of ‘the fullness of history’

Reflection by Jen Reidel

“If you all get to tell the story and get it right, then the children will get it right.”
—Dr. Martha Bouyer, Stony the Road project director and an Alabama Humanities Fellow


Thanks to Dr. Bouyer’s passionate vision and leadership — along with the support of the Alabama Humanities Alliance and the National Endowment for the Humanities — 27 teachers from 17 states gave three weeks of their summer to come to Alabama. We came to learn about, deepen, and complicate our understanding of Alabama’s role in the civil rights movement, and to teach it accurately to our students. For me, and I suspect many others in our group, it was all that and much more.


Jen Reidel, a history and civics teacher in Bellingham, Washington. 

Challenging history, resilience, hope, and transformation are how I would describe my experience as a participant in Stony the Road. Through visits to historic sites, presentations from civil rights scholars, and firsthand stories from those who bore witness to Alabama’s centrality in fight for equality for Black Americans, I gained a deeper and more complex perspective of the civil rights movement and its influence on America today.

As a teacher of U.S. history and civics, I thought I had a decent understanding of the movement; yet through this experience, I have a much broader and more sophisticated grasp of how important Alabama was in the fight for equality in the South and the nation at large. I am excited, as well as challenged, by how this experience will influence and inform my teaching.

On an academic level, the experience has pushed me to reframe my thinking and teaching of the civil rights movement to ensure I’m not perpetuating myths and distorting the realities of the movement. One of the most impacting academic sessions was with scholar Hasan Kwame Jeffries, Ph.D., who identified for us incorrect master narratives that distort the truth of history. He also taught us how to “disrupt” those fallacies with a more well-rounded teaching of civil rights narratives. An example of this is when teachers limit civil rights instruction to the American South. Dr. Jeffries pointed out in doing this it regionalizes white supremacy, distorts and confuses de jure and de facto segregation, and decontextualizes Northern protest. He encouraged us to “complicate the South, add into your teaching the Northern protests.”

Additionally, Dr. Jeffries urged us to abandon teaching a Dr. King-centric approach that suggests: “The movement is MLK, and we wind up running around looking for ‘little Kings.’” When the focus is on the pulpit instead of who was in the pews, students and other learners of history miss studying the richness of the movement and the efforts of the Black working class, the children, and the women who sacrificed for the cause.

Our site-based historical visits through Stony gave life and form to our academic sessions. For me, there are no words to fully describe feelings associated with walking the Edmund Pettus Bridge; worshipping inside the 16th Street Baptist Church; standing on the grounds where men with dogs and hoses attacked children who marched for equality in Kelly Ingram Park; sitting in the pews at Bethel Baptist Church; standing behind Dr. King’s pulpit at Dexter Avenue King Memorial Baptist Church; and walking the grounds of the National Memorial for Peace and Justice, sometimes called the Lynching Memorial. I know without a doubt that my witness to history through these site visits will deeply impact my students.

Jen Reidel (red shorts, near center) stands next to Bishop Calvin Woods in a Stony cohort photo with the Birmingham civil rights leader. 

Perhaps most transformative for me were the sessions where we listened to and talked with foot soldiers of the cause, daughters of leaders in the movement, and those who lived through this defining period in our nation’s history. For instance, activist and leader Bishop Calvin Woods shared with us about his experiences working within the Birmingham campaign and the sacrifices he made for freedom, including multiple arrests and time behind bars. He told us: “When you are fighting for real rights, there is no color line.”

Hearing the experiences of those in the movement makes this history all the more recent and relevant. Stories such as those from JoAnne Bland, a civil rights activist and an 11-year-old participant in Bloody Sunday in Selma back in 1965. Bland told us that, as a child, freedom for her meant being able to eat ice cream at Carter Drug Co.’s lunch counter in Selma. Similarly, for Janice Kelsey — a Children’s Crusade marcher in 1963 as a high school junior in Birmingham — freedom meant being able to eat at J.J. Newberry’s lunch counter or trying on shoes before buying them in a department store.

We also heard from Barbara Shores, daughter of civil rights attorney Arthur Shores, and Ruby Shuttlesworth Bester, daughter of civil rights leader Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth, who each spoke about the sacrifices that entire families in the movement made in the fight for equality. Both women shared how it affected them to survive having their homes bombed multiple times by white supremacists, and they revealed the trauma created by those events. Mrs. Shuttlesworth Bester described her family’s sacrifice this way: “Our struggle was one of love, we did what Daddy (Rev. Shuttleworth) asked us to do.” These stories and many others from those who participated in and witnessed history will be invaluable as I teach about civil rights.

I will forever be grateful for the opportunity to confront history in person — up close and alongside some of the finest educators I have met.

History matters and knowing it in its fullness is powerful and transformative.

As civil rights historian and author Glenn Eskew shared with us: “The story (of civil rights in Alabama) is about justice, reconciliation, and changing the world for the better.”

Our students deserve to know the past in all its truth, how it informs the present, and be encouraged by ordinary people who did the extraordinary in their fight for equality. The march continues…


Jen Reidel participated in the 2022 cohort of Stony the Road We Trod: Exploring Alabama’s Civil Rights Legacy. Reidel has served as a teacher for 26 years. She currently teaches civics and U.S. history in the Bellingham School District at Bellingham High School, in Washington. 

Educators nationwide arrive in Alabama to witness civil rights history first-hand

July 11, 2022 — The Alabama Humanities Alliance welcomes educators from across the country to participate in an immersive, three-week field study of the modern Civil Rights Movement. “Stony the Road We Trod: Exploring Alabama’s Civil Rights Legacy” is a teaching institute presented by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Alabama Humanities Alliance.

The program, which runs July 10-30, will enable teachers to learn how events in Alabama impacted not just the South and the nation, but the world. Birmingham will serve as the host city for the institute, with field research taking place in Selma, Montgomery and Tuskegee — all key “battleground” sites in the struggle for human and civil rights.

In all, the Alabama Humanities Alliance selected 27 educators from 17 states to participate, via a competitive, nationwide application process.

WHAT: Stony the Road We Trod: Exploring Alabama’s Civil Rights Legacy. (A National Endowment for the Humanities summer institute, presented by the Alabama Humanities Alliance.)

WHERE: Birmingham, Selma, Montgomery, Tuskegee

WHEN: July 10-30, 2022

MEDIA OPPORTUNITIES: In-person coverage of certain sessions and field research is possible with advance notice. We can also help set up interviews with the project director, AHA staff, and teacher participants. Note that photography may be limited in certain facilities we visit.


More information
The project director is Martha Bouyer, Ph.D., an Alabama Humanities Fellow. Among the institute’s speakers: Ruby Shuttlesworth Bester, Joanne Bland, Robert Corley, Hasan Kwame Jeffries, Peggy Wallace Kennedy, Bernard Lafayette, Bishop Calvin Woods, Odessa Woolfolk, and many more.

The ultimate goal of Stony the Road is to equip teachers with first-hand experiences and primary resources that they can use to bring the civil rights era to life in their classrooms and schools. Educators will also learn to better engage their students in conversations about that era’s legacy today.

“The power of this experience comes from getting to walk the same ground where these life-altering events took place, where the promises of the U.S. Constitution became a greater reality for more Americans,” says Dr. Martha Bouyer, Ph.D., an Alabama Humanities Fellow and project director for Stony the Road.

Indeed, educators will have the chance to interact with iconic leaders and foot soldiers of the civil right movement and talk with scholars who are experts in the field. They will also travel to key sites of memory and preservation — from Bethel Baptist Church in Birmingham to the Tuskegee History Center and beyond. Teachers will also have the chance to review archival film footage and primary sources as they develop new curriculum plans to bring back to their schools.


About the Alabama Humanities
Alliance Founded in 1974, the Alabama Humanities Alliance is a nonprofit that serves as a state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities. AHA promotes impactful storytelling, lifelong learning and civic engagement. We provide Alabamians with opportunities to connect with our shared cultures and to see each other as fully human. Through our grantmaking, we help scholars, communities and cultural nonprofits create humanities-based projects that are accessible to all Alabamians — from literary festivals and documentary films to museum exhibitions and research collections. Learn more at

About the National Endowment for the Humanities
Created in 1965 as an independent federal agency, the National Endowment for the Humanities supports research and learning in history, literature, philosophy, and other areas of the humanities by funding selected, peer-reviewed proposals from around the nation. Additional information about the National Endowment for the Humanities and its grant programs is available at

Alabama educator nominated for National History Day ‘Teacher of the Year’

May 10, 2022 — The Alabama Humanities Alliance has nominated Blakeney Doggette of Phillips Preparatory School in Mobile, Alabama, for the Patricia Behring Teacher of the Year award. The National History Day award is sponsored by Patricia Behring in recognition of the pivotal role that teachers play in the lives of students.

Each of the 58 National History Day affiliates may nominate exceptional educators; Blakeney Doggette is this year’s nominee from Alabama. All nominees receive $500 and are eligible for a $10,000 award if they win the national prize. Nominees demonstrate a commitment to engaging students in historical learning through the innovative use of primary sources, implementation of active learning strategies to foster historical thinking skills, and participation in the National History Day contest.

“This award recognizes the very best educators from across the nation and beyond,” said National History Day Executive Director Dr. Cathy Gorn. “These educators are leaders and innovators in the teaching of history, and we are all the more impressed because of the extended difficult teaching circumstances due to the pandemic during the last year. I wish to congratulate Ms. Doggette on her well-deserved nomination.”

The national winner will be selected by a committee of experienced teachers and historians, and announced on June 18, 2022, at National History Day’s awards ceremony (to be held virtually again due to COVID-19). Nominees’ work must clearly illustrate the development and use of creative teaching methods that engage students in history, and help them make exciting discoveries about the past.

“It’s teachers like Mrs. Doggette who make History Day such a meaningful and valuable experience for our students statewide,” says Rachel Hartsell, Alabama History Day coordinator for the Alabama Humanities Alliance. “We’re thankful for all Blakeney did to advance the Alabama History Day program at her school. And we know we’re very fortunate to have many dedicated educators statewide that we could have nominated for this national award.”


About National History Day
NHD is a nonprofit organization based in College Park, Maryland, that seeks to improve the teaching and learning of history. The National History Day Contest was established in 1974 and currently engages more than half a million students every year in conducting original research on historical topics of interest. Students present their research as a documentary, exhibit, paper, performance, or website. Projects compete first at the local and affiliate levels, where the top entries are invited to the National Contest at the University of Maryland at College Park. NHD is sponsored in part by, HISTORY®, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the National Park Service, Southwest Airlines, the Crown Family Foundation, The Better Angels Society, the Pritzker Military Museum & Library and the Diana Davis Spencer Foundation. For more information, visit


About Alabama History Day
Alabama History Day is a state-level affiliate of National History Day, a year-long project-based learning program focused on historical research, interpretation, and creative expression – open to all students in grades 6-12. By participating in Alabama History Day, students become writers, filmmakers, web designers, playwrights and artists as they create unique contemporary expressions of history. The experience culminates in a statewide contest in the spring and an annual national competition in the nation’s capital in June. Alabama History Day is an Alabama Humanities Alliance program. For more information, visit


About the Alabama Humanities Alliance
Founded in 1974, the nonprofit Alabama Humanities Alliance serves as a state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities. AHA promotes impactful storytelling, lifelong learning and civic engagement. We provide Alabamians with opportunities to connect with our diverse cultures and to see each other as fully human. Through our grantmaking, we help scholars, communities and cultural nonprofits create humanities-based projects that are accessible to all Alabamians — from literary festivals and documentary films to museum exhibitions and research collections. Learn more at

$50K to grow Alabama History Day

BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA / Sept. 23, 2021 — The Alabama Humanities Alliance has been awarded $50,000 to expand and diversify participation in Alabama History Day, its history competition that engages students statewide (grades 6-12) in robust and creative historical research.

The new funding comes from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) and its special initiative, “A More Perfect Union,” which is distributing $2.8 million to humanities councils across the United States. The Alabama Humanities Alliance is a state affiliate of the NEH and Alabama History Day is the state affiliate contest of National History Day.

With this gift, the Alabama Humanities Alliance can engage more students, teachers, and school systems in Alabama History Day. The goal is to broaden the reach of History Day into areas of the state that have been underrepresented, including underserved communities such as Alabama’s rural Black Belt region and urban, inner city schools. Making Alabama History Day accessible to more students statewide helps to ensure that the research presented is as robust and diverse as Alabama itself.

The next Alabama History Day is scheduled to take place at Auburn University at Montgomery on April 8, 2022. Winners move on to compete in National History Day, held each year in Washington, D.C. The theme for next year’s competition is “Debate & Diplomacy in History: Successes, Failures, Consequences.”

Alabama History Day participants and potential participants — teachers, school administrators, judges, students, and parents — are invited to join our Alabama History Day Facebook Group.

About “A More Perfect Union”
The NEH’s “A More Perfect Union” initiative helps to demonstrate and enhance the critical role the humanities play in our nation and support projects that help Americans commemorate the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence in 2026. The initiative supports projects that explore, reflect on, and tell the stories of our quest for a more just, inclusive, and sustainable society throughout our history. Learn more

About Alabama History Day
Alabama History Day is a competition that engages students in historical research and dynamic storytelling. Each year, National History Day announces an annual theme that helps students pick a research topic of their own choosing. Students then present their findings through one of five mediums: a paper, a documentary, a website, a dramatic performance, or an exhibit. This enables students to become writers, filmmakers, web designers, playwrights, and artists as they create unique, contemporary expressions of history. Learn more on our Alabama History Day site.